I have chosen an 8 pointed star for its positive vibration. The 8 is the number of the abundance, of the power, of the authority, of the providence of God. God by his providence gives us everything, such as air, health, love, etc.
The 8 is to go beyond all limits, it is also the number of alternative paths, it is a number of a lot of action, to do, you like to experiment. At higher levels of consciousness it is a healing number because it has other alternatives, there are many eights that are medical. 8 is a flexible number, positive understanding and is not rigid like the number four.
This number is divergent thinking, it does not think the same as all people. All eight are open, they are open, fair and flexible in nature. They are good leaders, they open paths and new alternatives. They solve problems, help others in their needs and do not ask for any change. It is not difficult for them, helping comes easily. They are providers, like a father and because of the type of energy they generate, they provide, protect, help, they are abundance.
They are firm without exceeding themselves, they set limits, they manifest themselves confident and self-confident, they go forward, always positive, they are not afraid to make mistakes and if they do, they solve it, analyze and resolve it, without regretting it, and that is why I like the eight, that is why I have decided to put eight as a symbol of my work.
If this resonates with you, I would love for us to work together.
In joy,
Martha bondi
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